Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bedwetting is Treatable! By Dr.Jacob Sagie and Tal Sagie

Bedwetting may seem like a problem to which there is no solution, but this does not have to be the case. Unfortunately, bedwetting can leave children feeling humiliated and embarrassed, which can keep them from freely participating in normal activities like sleepovers, camping, and other overnight visits away from home. In fact, enuresis can even keep people from dating and having a desire to get married, in some cases.
However, it is vital for parents to realize that there are solutions to bedwettin
g. It is not an impossible problem to solve. All it takes is some time and dedication to locate the right treatment for your child suffering from enuresis. In the meantime, showing faith in your child and building his or her confidence throughout the process is also important. The sense of relief and pride that children who have overcome enuresis feel can be best demonstrated by their own words:
This sixteen-year-old female was treated along with her sisters of ages fourteen and eight. She wrote:
There is simply no way for me to describe the sense of joy I feel right now. Today, I woke up completely dry, and it is such a great feeling for me. If you are a boy or girl suffering from bedwetting, take my word for it: do not give up. Have some faith in yourself and eventually, you will also success. One day, you will be able to stop wetting the bed and it will be wonderful. Best of luck to you in overcoming enuresis. Trust me, it's an amazing feeling.
N. female, age eleven wrote:
Nobody could possibly imagine how happy I am that I stopped wetting the bed. It's hard for me to find the right words, but I can finally say that I did it. Before I was treated for enuresis, I could not sleep anywhere but in my own bed.. My own younger sister even stopped bedwetting before I did and it really discouraged me for awhile. However, I kept trying, and now this is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

For more info please go to: http://www.bedwettingtherapy.com

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