Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bedwetting Alarms and bedwetting treatment/ By Dr. Jacob Sagie and Tal Sagie

Bedwetting normally happens during deep slumber. Parents regularly attempt to treat their children with the utilization of a bedwetting (enuresis) alarm, only to find that the alarm wakes up everyone in the house aside from the resting child. In Dr. Sagie's bedwetting centers ,almost 100% of the  parents reported that their child was a deep sleeper, yet the child still reacted well to the treatment offered. Bedwetting alerts are not intended to make a child get up during the night to use the restroom. Unfortunately, this is a normal misconception held by many.

Rather, the goal behind a bedwetting alarm is to condition the patient's reflexes. This reflex system is entirely subconscious, so it is unnecessary for the patient to be conscious in order for the treatment to work. With the treatment, the child figures out how to respond to the alarm sound, even in his or her sleep. Also, when the child does not get up, many parents are frequently advised to undertake some extra treatment methods that are paramount when it comes to the child's ultimate success.

It is approximated that the success rate of treatment using only the alarm is between 40% and 50%. An alarm alone is insufficient for most patients; rather, different procedures must be included in treatment as well. Firstly, it is important that a bedwetting alarm treatment does not last any more than five to six months. In a circumstance where the treatment keeps going longer, the child  gets to be so conditioned to it that, ultimately, its viability wears off. Moreover, this can disappoint the child and make him or her feel like the self esteem required to succeed without the alarm is not there. Likewise, constant use of the alarm treatment on its own could have a negative effect on future progress. Skepticism of the bedwetting alarm treatment and low self esteem can also have a negative impact on success.
More detailed information about the integrative solution on our post about THERAPEE- The ultimate online bedwetting treatment.

For more info please go to:

Friday, February 14, 2014

How does THERAPEE treat bedwetting in a unique way for the patient?/ By Dr. Jacob Sagie and Tal Sagie

There are always several factors that need to be considered in order to develop a treatment method for enuresis: gender, age, frequency of bedwetting, and day control are just some of these. That being said, treating a twelve-year-old who rarely wets the bed is going to be very different than treating a five-year-old who wets the bed every night and has daytime control trouble too.
Not all patients respond to bedwetting treatments in the same way. Rather, responses can be fast, slow, regressive, and unstable. Therefore, a therapist’s response to a patient's progress should be carefully considered in every case. Furthermore, the child's and parents' attitudes toward the therapy are important to take into consideration as well. And while treatment is going on, situations can arise that influence progress.
This is exactly what makes THERAPEE
so unique. In Dr. Sagie's bedwetting clinics, we have identified and collected data from scenarios we have faced in more than 30,000 patients since 1984. As a result, we have been able to define every possible patient profile using personalized parameters. This has led us to come up with some detailed and complex algorithms that we can use in order to give tailor-made and computerized responses to enuresis patients using the software.

Specifically, we  use what we call a “visual chart,” which requires parents to supply information about the treatment itself. From there, out system carefully analyzes and computes the data to ultimately provide the right response. From there, the patient views a video clip of a bedwetting specialist addressing the child and parents while also giving feedback regarding progress, next steps, and positive reinforcements.
Essentially, THERAPEE provides a customizable and tailor-made treatment that is similar to an actual face-to-face treatment with Dr. Sagie, and not just  a CD with basic instructions that are appropriate for everybody.

For more info please go to:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bedwetting is Treatable! By Dr.Jacob Sagie and Tal Sagie

Bedwetting may seem like a problem to which there is no solution, but this does not have to be the case. Unfortunately, bedwetting can leave children feeling humiliated and embarrassed, which can keep them from freely participating in normal activities like sleepovers, camping, and other overnight visits away from home. In fact, enuresis can even keep people from dating and having a desire to get married, in some cases.
However, it is vital for parents to realize that there are solutions to bedwettin
g. It is not an impossible problem to solve. All it takes is some time and dedication to locate the right treatment for your child suffering from enuresis. In the meantime, showing faith in your child and building his or her confidence throughout the process is also important. The sense of relief and pride that children who have overcome enuresis feel can be best demonstrated by their own words:
This sixteen-year-old female was treated along with her sisters of ages fourteen and eight. She wrote:
There is simply no way for me to describe the sense of joy I feel right now. Today, I woke up completely dry, and it is such a great feeling for me. If you are a boy or girl suffering from bedwetting, take my word for it: do not give up. Have some faith in yourself and eventually, you will also success. One day, you will be able to stop wetting the bed and it will be wonderful. Best of luck to you in overcoming enuresis. Trust me, it's an amazing feeling.
N. female, age eleven wrote:
Nobody could possibly imagine how happy I am that I stopped wetting the bed. It's hard for me to find the right words, but I can finally say that I did it. Before I was treated for enuresis, I could not sleep anywhere but in my own bed.. My own younger sister even stopped bedwetting before I did and it really discouraged me for awhile. However, I kept trying, and now this is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

For more info please go to:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Do Bedwetting Alarms Really Help to Stop Bedwetting? By Dr. Jacob Sagie and Tal Sagie

It is not uncommon to see bedwetting alarms advertised both online and in a variety of health magazines these days. So, what are bedwetting alarms and just how well do they work?

In general, a bedwetting alarm is a device that sounds in reaction to a child wetting the bed. These work through the use of a closed electrical circuit and other components. While all bedwetting alarms are battery operated, they vary as to how they function. For example, there are three main types of alarms. These are: ones that connect to the body, wireless alarms, and “bell and pad” alarms.

Bedwetting Alarms that Connect to the Body           

Alarms that connect to the body consist of two parts. One part is the alarm component itself, which is typically attached to the child's pajamas. A wire runs from the alarm component to the moisture sensor, which is placed in the child's underwear near his or her sexual organ. There are both pros and cons to using this type of alarm. While this is a relatively inexpensive alarm type, the fact remains that corrosion to the device can occur over time. Furthermore, the child's skin could become irritated by the device connected to the body, or he could accidentally disconnect the wire in his sleep. In some cases, the alarm's sound may be accidentally dimmed as a result of blankets covering it.

Wireless Bedwetting Alarms

This type of alarm does not involve any actual wires running from the alarm component to the sensor, which eliminates the chance of the child accidentally disconnecting anything in his sleep. This alarm is able to operate without the use of wires because it uses radio transmitters and receivers instead. The receiver is attached to the child's pajamas or placed near his bed, whereas the transmitter is located on the child's lower abdomen near the genital area. When the child wets the bed, a signal is sent to the receiver and the alarm sounds. However, with this type of alarm, parents must ask themselves whether or not it is safe to have a radio transmitter so close to the child's sexual organ.

“Bell and Pad” Bedwetting Alarms

Two parts make up this alarm system: a control unit (alarm component) and a plastic moisture detection pad. The pad is placed on the child's bed underneath the bed sheet itself, whereas the alarm component itself is connected to the pad using a small wire. Parents tend to enjoy this option because it does not involve placing anything near the child's genitals. However, this also tends to be a more expensive alarm options when compared to other types on the market.

Some parents unfortunately stop using bedwetting alarms on their children after a short time because the child fails to wake up when the alarm goes off. However, it is important for parents to remember that the goal of using a bedwetting alarm is not to wake the child up at night but to teach the child restraint. Even when the child does not physically wake up, the alarm sound can activate his subconscious reflex to help end bedwetting.

Parents can also be encouraged to know that, 40% to 50% of the time, bedwetting alarms are proven to be effective in helping to end bedwetting. The success rate can be as high as 90% when bedwetting alarm treatment is coupled with therapeutic treatment techniques, which will be discussed in detail in a later article.

For more info please go to:

Friday, January 31, 2014

Children and Bedwetting -- Popular Parents’ Mistakes and Misconceptions by Dr. Jacob Sagie and Tal Sagie

Even though bedwetting is one the most common problems in children, very few people truly understand it and how to treat it or react to it. As a result, parents of children who have a bedwetting problem often receive advice from professionals that is not very helpful or that is downright misleading. Unfortunately, this is due to a general lack of understanding regarding enuresis in children.

Some more common misconception include:
     That children who wet the bed are lazy because they do not get up to use the bathroom when they need to at night, thus resulting in wetting the bed.
     That a child must wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom in order to avoid bedwetting.
     That parents should be the ones to wake a child up from sleeping and make him use the bathroom.
     That children should not be allowed to consume drinks before bed; otherwise, they will wet the bed.
     That punishing a child for wetting the bed or belittling him in front of others for his problem is a good way to handle it.
     That bedwetting is a problem that, if ignored, will eventually be overcome by the child of his own accord.
     That buying pull-ups for the child to wear to bed to prevent an accident is a good way to solve a bedwetting problem.

Of course, there is some logic behind this advice that should be understood:

Waking the Child
Some parents believe that the child cannot sleep through the night without waking up to the use the bathroom at least once. They think that this is what causes bedwetting. However, this is not the case. A child needs to learn how to train the sphincter to contract when the body feels the urge to urinate. By waking the child at night to go to the bathroom, he can never learn to train the sphincter. Not to mention, waking the child to use the restroom at night takes the responsibility of overcoming the problem away from the child and puts it on the parents instead, which is not right.

Restricting Fluids Before Bedtime
Some parents think that if they keep the child from drinking fluids before bed, they will teach the child to stop wetting the bed. Actually, all that fluid restriction accomplishes is making the bladder even more dependent on being empty. In order to overcome bedwetting, the bladder must learn to function while full. Therefore, keeping a child from having a drink before bed will not only keep him from being able to overcome the problem, but may actually make it worse.

Punishment and Embarrassment
Scenarios such as the following are unfortunately quite common: A child runs to his father crying because some other children have somehow learned of his bedwetting problem and have made fun of him for it. Instead of making the child feel better, the father decides to belittle the child in front of the other children, thinking that embarrassing him will further motivate him to want to stop wetting the bed.

In actuality, embarrassing the child or punishing him for wetting the bed will only make him feel even worse. He will feel as though he is a failure and a disappointment, which is not going to motivate him but instead will make him feel helpless. Punishment and embarrassment should never be used as a solution to any problem.

Forcing Children to Wash Bedding and PJs
Many parents of children who wet the bed may also punish them by requiring them to wash their own sheets, bedding, and pajamas after wetting the bed. Parents believe that, by doing this, the child will have no choice but to learn how to quit. However, the reality of this situation is that making the child wash his own bedding and pajamas is another form of punishment that does not encourage the child to overcome enuresis. Instead, it makes him feel even more upset with himself and as though he is not supported by his own parents. This is not the solution to a bedwetting problem but will only be sure to perpetuate the issue.

Overprotection of the Child
Parents, especially those who initially had trouble getting pregnant or those who have children with other medical problems, often make it a point to overprotect their children. Therefore, when a child begins to develop a problem when it comes to wetting the bed, the parents want to take the pain and stress away from the child by taking on the burden themselves.

The issue with this is that, by overprotecting the child, he does not learn to take responsibility for his own problem. Instead, he feels as though it is up to his parents to solve it for him. Unfortunately, parents cannot fix enuresis; it must be overcome by the child himself with plenty of support from his family. Overprotection is never a good solution to bedwetting. It is as simple as that.

Ignoring the problem
A lot of parents find themselves in denial over a child’s bedwetting problem. They may feel like the incidents are just a coincidence and not a recurring issue. By ignoring the problem, however, this will not make it go away. Quite the opposite, really. The child will end up feeling alone in his battle against enuresis and will have a hard time overcoming it as a result. This is a problem that should be addressed by parents and children alike.

Comparisons Among Siblings
Some parents, upon finding that a younger sibling has learned to not wet the bed before an older sibling, will try to use this against the older sibling in an effort to get him to stop wetting the bed. Such parents may say things like, “Why are you still wetting the bed all the time when your younger sister has never wet the bed in her life?” While parents may make such comments with good intentions, the fact remains that doing so will only lead the child to feel more frustrated and even more like a failure. Furthermore, this can lead to animosity between siblings, which is never good.

Having the Child Wear Pull-Ups
Finally, many parents think that making the child wear pull-ups until he overcomes his bedwetting problem is a viable solution. However, all this does is make the issue worse by showing the child that the parents have given up on the issue. This leads the child to feel as though wetting the bed is acceptable and something that he must simply live with forever. In the long run, the child may never learn to not wet the bed and will suffer emotionally as a result.